Research Methodologies, Case study guideline · Pregnancy, Birth and early childhood
Child Health · Infectious and chronic diseases · COVID-19
Fear and Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Affect Regulation · Cardiovascular System, Breathing
Oncology · Palliative medicine, Pain (please see also Fear)
Anthroposophic Medicine Journal Publication
Research Methodologies, Case study guideline
Ricardo R Bartelme, Anthroposophic Medicine: A Short Monograph and Narrative Review—Foundations, Essential Characteristics, Scientific Basis, Safety, Effectiveness and Misconceptions, published 29 December 2020 in Pub Med,
doi 10.1177/2164956120973634
Mehl A, Brauer D, Didwiszus A, Gelin-Kröz B, Pranga D, Zerm R, Gutenbrunner C (2020), The Anthroposophic Art Therapy Assessment Paint (AART-ASSESS-P): A peer-report instrument to assess patients’ pictorial expression during Anthroposophic Painting Therapy,
Lees J (2001) Reflexive Action Research: Developing Knowledge Through Practice: Counselling and Psychotherapy Research (2001), August 2001, Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 1(2):132-138, DOI:10.1080/14733140112331385178
Shlonsky A and Gobbs L, Will the Real Evidence-Based Practice Please Stand Up? Teaching the Process of Evidence-based Practice to the Helping Professions. Brief Treatment and Criss Intervention. Vol 4. No. 2., January 2004, Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention 4(2):137-153, DOI:10.1093/brief-treatment/mhh011
Kienle G S, Albonico H U, Baars E, Hamre H J, Zimmermann P, Kiene H (2013). ( pdf, 882 KB )Anthroposophic Medicine: An Integrative Medical System Originating in Europe. ( pdf, 882 KB ) Global Advances In Health And Medicine November 2013, Volume 2, Number 6
Abbing A, Ponstein A, Kienle G, Gruber H, Baars E (2016) The CARE-AAT Guideline: Development and testing of a consensus-based guideline for case reports in anthroposophic art therapy. International Journal of Art Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2016.1170054
Abbing A C, Ponstein A, Kienle G, Gruber H, Baars EW (2015). Development of a case report guideline for anthroposophic art therapy. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 7(1):29
Hamre HJ et a. (2014) Overview of the Publications From the Anthroposophic Medicine Outcomes Study, Global Advances in Health and Medicine 3(1):54-70, DOI: 10.7453/gahmj.2013.010
Ponstein A S, Zwart C A (2014). Anthroposophic Healthcare ( pdf, 859 KB ) Alternative and Complementary Therapies 20(1), pg. 57-58
Baars E W, Ponstein A, Kok ET, Heybroek R, Van der Veen W, Kröz M, De Bruin A (2015). Validation of the Dutch State Version of the Autonomic Regulation (State-aR) questionnaire in a group of patients and a group of healthy persons. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 7(1):52
Kröz M, Reif M, Pranga D, Zerm R, Schad F, Baars, EW, Girke M (2016). The questionnaire on Autonomic Regulation - a useful concept for Integrative Medicine? Journal of Integrative Medicine., 14(5), 315-321
Baars E W, Kiene H, Kienle G S, Heusser P and Hamre H J (2018). An assessment of the scientific status of anthroposophic medicine, applying criteria from the philosophy of science. Complementary Therapies in Medicine.
Baars E W (2008). Health by self-regulation: Towards an evidence-based fundamental concept for science and practice of integrative medicine. ( pdf, 31 KB) European Journal of Integrative Medicine: 1:34.
Baars E W, Koster E B and Verhoef J (2017). The Contribution of Anthroposophic Medicine to Self-Management: An Exploration of Concepts, Evidence, and Patient Perspectives. Complementary Medicine Research, 24.
Baars, E W and Hamre H J (2017) Whole Medical Systems versus the System of Conventional Biomedicine: A critical narrative review of similarities, differences, and factors that promote the integration process ( pdf, 1.45 MB ). Hindawi, Volume 2017, Article ID4904930, 13 pages
Baars EW, Kienle G S, Heusser P, Hamre H J (2013). Is anthroposophic medicine a scientific research field? Forschende Komplementarmedizin 8th Annual International Congress of Complementary Medicine Research, ICCMR 2013 London, 11-13 April, 2013. ABSTRACTS. 20(3):15.
Baars E W (2013). The contribution of Anthroposophic Medicine. Science Omega Review Europe, pp. 72-73
Baars E W (2012). From PBE to EBP: How to develop and test practice-based healthcare programs in anthroposophic healthcare? Der Merkurstab, 2: 154-155.
Koster E B, Baars E W and Delnoij D M J (2016) Patiënt-centered outcomes on quality of life and anthroposophic healthcare: a qualitative triangulation study. Quality of Life Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11136-016-1276-8
Koster E B, Baars E W and Delnoij D M (2020). Patient-reported quality of care in anthroposophic and integrative medicine: A scoping review. Patient education and counseling, 103(2), 276-285.
Pregnancy, Birth and Early childhood
Gollmer B (15.01.2019) Painting Therapy in Pregnancy and Preparation for Childbirth (professional information)
Gollmer B 19.07.2019) Painting Therapy in Pregnancy and Birth Preparation (parent information)
Bissegger M (07.06.2019) Music Therapy for Premature Infants and their Mothers
Bissegger M (02.01.2020) Music Therapy for Babies and Toddlers
Bissegger M (02.01.2020) Singing and Music for Babies and Toddlers (parent information)
Child Health
Hamre HJ et al. (2009) Anthroposophic therapy for children with chronic disease: a two-year Prospective Cohort Study in Routine Outpatient Settings. BMC Pediatr 2009; 9:39. DOI 10.1186/1471-2431-9-39
Abbing A, Krantz B, Simon E, Heynen E, De Witte M and Van Hooren S (2020). Effectiveness of Music Therapy Interventions in Reducing Behavioural and Emotional Problems Among Children. PROSPERO 2020. CRD42020162709
Baars E W, Koster E B, Schoorel E P (2012). Client experiences with an integrated conventional and anthroposophic approach at the Kindertherapeuticum in Zeist. . Der Merkurstab, 4:335-338
Niemeijer M H, Baars E W, Hoekman J, Ruijssenaars A J J M (2018)An instrument for dimensional diagnosis of a child’s constitution (ICC)). International Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine, Issue 2-2018.
Niemeijer M H, Baars E W, Hoekman J, and Ruijssenaars A J J M (2018). Validity and Reliability of the Instrument for Assessing the Child’s Constitution (ICC): Individualising Processes in Diagnosing Children With a Developmental Disorder. International Journal of Studies in Nursing, 3(3), 172.
Infectious and chronic diseases
Hamre H J. Witt C M, Glockmann A, Ziegler R (July 2007) Anthroposophic Art Therapy in Chronic Disease: A Four-Year Prospective Cohort Study The Journal of Science and Healing 3(4):365-71, Doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2007.04.008,
Hamre H J et al. (2004). Anthroposophic therapies in chronic disease: The Anthroposophic Medicine Outcomes Study (AMOS). European Journal of Medical Research 2004; 9:351-360
Hamre H J et al. (2007) Anthroposophic Art Therapy in Chronic Disease: a four-year prospective cohort study. Explore (NY). 2007 Nov-Dec;3(6):553
Hamre HJ et al. (2013). Long-term Outcomes of Anthroposophic Treatment for Chronic Disease: A four-year follow-up Analysis of 1510 Patients from a Prospective Observational Study in routine outpatient settings BMC Research Notes. 2013;6(1):269. DOI:
Martin D, Soldner G (2020) A synthesis review of current status and proposal of a registry study to overcome social polarization tendencies and answer open research questions
Soldner G, Breitkreuz T (2020) COVID-19
Fear, Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Affect Regulation
Berthold M, Psychotherapy for Fear
Oldmann-Wendenburg M, Pastoral Care for Fear
Von Bonin D, Therapeutic Speech for Fear
Heckel V, Dorfmeister D, Music Therapy for Fear in Palliative Care
Brauer D, Painting Therapy for Anxiety in Palliative Care
Abbing A Cet al The effectiveness of art therapy for anxiety in adults: A systematic review of randomised and non-randomised controlled trials
Abbing A, Baars E, De Sonneville L M, Ponstein A and Swaab H (2019). The Effectiveness of Art Therapy for Anxiety in Adult Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1203
Abbing A, Ponstein A, Van Hooren S, De Sonneville L, Swaab and Baars E (2018). The effectiveness of art therapy for anxiety in adults: A systematic review of randomised and nonrandomised controlled trials.. PLoS ONE 13(12): e0208716.
Abbing A C, Baars E W, Van Haastrecht O and Ponstein A S, “Acceptance of Anxiety through Art Therapy: A Case Report Exploring How Anthroposophic Art Therapy Addresses Emotion Regulation and Executive Functioning,”. Case Reports in Psychiatry, vol. 2019, Article ID 4875381, 13 pages, 2019.
Abbing A, de Sonneville L, Baars E, Bourne D, Swaab H (2019) Anxiety reduction through art therapy in women. Exploring stress regulation and executive functioning as underlying neurocognitive mechanisms. PLOS ONE 14(12): e0225200.
Gruber H, Oepen R (2017) Emotion regulation strategies and effects in art-making: A narrative synthesis, December 2017, The Arts in Psychotherapy 59, DOI:10.1016/j.aip.2017.12.006.
Abbing A C et al (2019) Acceptance of Anxiety through Art Therapy: A Case Report Exploring How Anthroposophic Art Therapy Addresses Emotion Regulation and Executive Functioning
Abbing A C et al (2019) Anxiety reduction through art therapy in women. Exploring stress regulation and executive functioning as underlying neurocognitive mechanisms
Hamre H J et al. (2009) Anthroposophic therapy for anxiety disorders: a two-year prospective cohort study in routine outpatient settings. Clinical Medicine: Psychiatry 2009; 2:17 31year Prospective Cohort Study in Routine Outpatient Settings
Hamre HJ et al. (2006) Anthroposophic therapy for chronic depression: a four-year prospective cohort study. BMC Psychiatry 2006; 6:57. DOI 10.1186/1471-244X-6-57
Von Bonin D (2018) Anthroposophic Therapeutic Speech for Fear
Baars E W, Van der Hart O, Nijenhuis E R S, Chu J A, Glas G, Draijer N (2011). Predicting Stabilizing Treatment Outcomes for Complex Posttraumatic Stres Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder: An Expertise-Based Prognostic Model. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 12(1): 67 - 87.
Cardiovascular System, Breathing
Bernardi L et al. (2001a) Effect of rosary prayer and yoga mantras on autonomic cardiovascular rhythms: comparative study. BMj, 323(7327), pp. 1446, doi: 10.1136/bmj.323.7327.1446
Bernardi L et al. (2002) Slow breathing increases arterial baroreflex sensitivity in patients with chronic heart failure. Circulation, 105(2), pp. 143-145, PMID: 11790690, DOI: 10.1161/hc0202.103311
Bettermann, H. et al. (2002) Effects of speech therapy with poetry on heart rate rhythmicity and cardiorespiratory coordination. International journal of cardiology, 84(1), pp. 77-88, PMID: 12104068DOI: 10.1016/s0167-5273(02)00137-7
Van Tellingen C, MD, Vder Bie G, MD (eds.) Project: Renewal of Medical Education, Bolk’s Companions for The Study Of Medicine, Respirators System Disorders and Therapy, Louis Bolk Institute, Chapter 6 Therapeutic Considerations
Cysarz, D. et al. (2004) Oscillations of heart rate and respiration synchronize during poetry recitation.American Journal Of Physiology Heart And Circulatory Physiology, 287(2), pp. H579-H587, PMID: 15072959,DOI: 10.1152/ajpheart.01131.2003
Von Bonin, D. et al. (2001) Effects of speech therapy with poetry on heart rate variability and well-being.Forschende Komplementarmedizin, 8(3), pp. 144
Von Bonin, D. et al (2018) Speech-guided breathing retaining in asthma: a randomised controlled crossover try you in real life outpatient settings, PMID: 29941003, PMCID: PMC6019518, DOI: 10.1186/s13063-018-2727-z,
Burgess J A, Buddhini E, Lowe J A, Dunt D, Systematic review of the effectiveness of breathing retraining in asthma management
Von, Bonin D, Girke M (2019) Therapeutic Speech for Dyspnea
Wolf M, Von Bonin D and Wolf U (2011) Speech therapy changes blood circulation and oxygenation in the brain and muscle: a near-infrared spectrophotometry study. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 915, pp. 21-25
Wolf U, Scholkmann F, (2011) Changes in Hemodynamics and Tissue Oxygenation Saturation in the Brain and Skeletal Muscle Induced by Speech Therapy – A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study, The Scientific World Journal, DOI:10.1100/tsw.2011.116
Brauer D, Mösch de Carvalho C (04.02.2020) Painting Therapy for Cancer-Related Fatigue
Weiss S (29.04.2020) Music Therapy for Cancer-Related Fatigue
Ziegler-Denjean B (06.03.2020) Therapeutic Speech for Cancer-Related Fatigue
Stenz H, Mösch C, Staguhn J, Hegglin G, Ritter A (12.06.2019) Arts Therapies for Diarrhea
Hegglin G, Mösch de Carvalho C, Ritter A, Staguhn J, Stenz H (08.10.2018) Painting Therapy and Sculpture Therapy for Loss of Appetite, Nausea and Vomiting
Heckel V, Weiss S (08.10.2018) Music Therapy for Loss of Appetite, Nausea and Vomiting
Ziegler-Denjean B (02.11.2018) Therapeutic Speech for Loss of Appetite, Nausea and Vomiting
Stenz H, Mösch C, Staguhn J, Hegglin G, Ritter A, Heckel V, Ziegler-Denjean B (25.06.2019) Arts Therapies for Dry Mouth
Stenz H, Mösch C, Staguhn J, Hegglin G, Ritter A, Heckel V, Ziegler-Denjean B (18.07.2019) Arts Therapies for Constipation
Ziegler-Denjean B (2020) Therapeutic Speech for Cancer- Related Fatigue
Ziegler-Dejean, B, (2018) Therapeutic Speech for Loss of Appetite, Nausea and Vomiting
Belt-van Zoen E, De Bruin A M, Ponstein A S, Ephraïm M P and Baars E W (2020). First Steps in the Development of an Expertise-Based Anthroposophic Complex Intervention for Oncological
Treatment in Primary Care: A Qualitative Study. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 19, 1534735420969825.
Palliative medicine, Pain (please see also Fear)
McGavin D: Treatment and rehabilitation for patients with Chronic Pain and Multimorbidity
Didwiszus A (29.04.2020) Painting Therapy for Pain in Palliative Care
Heckel V (04.02.2020) Music Therapy for Pain in Palliative Care
Vogler L, Girke M (20.02.2019) Painting Therapy for Dyspnea
Von Bonin D, Girke M (06.06.2019) Anthroposophic Therapeutic Speech for Dyspnea
Heckel V (14.08.2019) Music Therapy for Edema
Brauer D, Didwiszus A (20.11.2020) Painting Therapy to Support and Care for the Consciousness of Palliative Patients
Heckel V (15.12.2020) Music Therapy to Support and Care for the Consciousness of Palliative Patients
Von Bonin D (22.12.2020) Anthroposophic Therapeutic Speech for Orientation in Palliative Phases of Illness
Von Bonin D (2020) Anthroposophic Therapeutic Speech for Orientation in Palliative Phases of Illness
Floriani C, Anthroposophy and Integrative Care at the End of Life, May 2016, Alternative and Complementary Therapies 22(3), DOI:10.1089/act.2016.29055.caf
Anthroposophic Medicine Journal Publication
This link has all the yearly journal publications in Anthroposophic Medicine for the past 4 years.
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson, image by Anna Hubbard, Peer Gynt)