The Arts
Visual Art, Art history, Art philosophy
Giorgio Vasari, On Technique, Publisher: Dover Art Instruction, 1999
Giorgio Vasari, Vasari's Lives of the Artists: Giotto, Masaccio, Fra Filippo Lippi, Botticelli, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Titian, first published 1550. Publisher: Courier Corporation, 2005
Wassily Kandinsky, Concerning the Spiritual in Art, originally published 1912. Publisher: Martino
Paul Klee, Notebooks: The Thinking Eye, Volume I. Publisher: Publisher: Lund Humphries, London, 1969
Paul Klee, Notebooks: The Nature of Nature, Volume II. Publisher: Publisher: Lund Humphries, London, 1973, Both Notebooks available online at: ArchDaily
Hans Sedlmayr, Art in Crisis: The Lost Centre, First Edition 1958. Publisher: Routledge, 2017
Noel Cobb, Archetypal Imagination, Glimpses of the Gods in Life and Art. Publisher: Floris Books, 2020
John Fletcher, Art Inspired by Rudolf Steiner: An Illustrated Introduction. Publisher Mercury Arts Publications, 1987
Peter Stebbing, The Goetheanum Cupola Motifs of Rudolf Steiner. Publisher: Steiner Books Inc. 2011
Peter Stebbing, Conversations About Painting with Rudolf Steiner: Recollections of Five Pioneers of the New Art impulse. Publisher: Steiner Books Inc. 2009
Hilma af Klimt, Notes and Methods. Publisher: University of Chicago Press, 2018
Tracey Bashkoff (ed.), Hilma af Klimt: Paintings for the Future. Publisher: Guggenheim Museum Publications, 2018
Sophia Caramanoff, The Life and Work of Janet Faith Jordan. Publisher: Wynstones Press, 2020
Van James, Spirit and Art: Picture of the Transformation of Consciousness. Publisher: Steiner Books, 2002
Dennis Klocek, Seeking Spirit Vision: Essays on Developing Imagination. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1998
Steve Bass, Beauty, Memory, Unity: A Theory of Proportion in Architecture. Publisher: Floris Books, 2019
Aleida Assmann, and Rudolf Steiner, Rudolf Steiner and Contemporary Art, Exhibition Catalogue. Publisher: DuMont, 2010
Joseph Beuys, Edited and contributed by Volker Harlan, What is Art? Publisher: Clairview Books, 2004
Creativity is not limited to people practising one of the traditional forms of art and, even in the case of artists, creativity is not confined to the exercise of their art. Each one of us has a creative potential. (Joseph Beuys, image: Disegno and Colore, Guercino, Giovanni Francesco Barbieri about 1640)
Colours, Paints, Plant Colour
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Theory of Colours, first published 1810. Publisher: MIT Press, 1970
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Goethe’s Theory of Colour Volume I. Publisher: The Mass. Institute of Technology, USA, 1973
Johannes Grebe-Ellis and Oliver Passon, Goethe’s Farbenlehre from the Perspective of Modern Physics. Publisher: Holistic Science, The Field Centre, In Dialogue, vol. 1 September 2020 pp. 50-59 (Article)
Arthur Schopenhauer, David E. Cartwright (ed.), On Vision and Colors. Publisher: Berg 3PL (first published 1816)
Hilde Boos-Hamburger, The Creative Power of Colour. Publisher: Mercury Arts Group, 1963
J.L. Benson, The Inner Nature of Color, Studies of the Philosophy of the Four Elements. Publisher: Steiner Books, 2004
David Lee, Nature’s Palette: The Science of Plant Colour. Publisher: University of Chicago Press, 2011, ISBN 9780226470535 or 9780226470528
Marcel Minnaerd, Light and Color in the Outdoors. Publisher: Springer, first published 1993
David K. Lynch and William Livingston, Color and Light in Nature. Publisher: Camebridge University Press, 2001
Robert Delaunay, Arthur A. Cohen (ed.), The New Art of Color. Publisher: Viking Books 1978
Hajo Dutching, Robert and Sonia Delaunay, The Triumph of Color. Publisher: Taschen, 1994
Cara Manes and Fatinha Ramos, Sonia Delaunay: A Life of Color, book for children. Publisher: Museum of Modern Art, 2017
Johannes Itten,The Art of Color: The Subjective Experience and Objective Rationale of Color. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, 1974
Joseph Albers, Interaction of Color. Publisher: Generic 2013 (first published 1971)
Syme Patrick, Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours: Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Anatomy and the Arts: The book Charles Darwin used to describe colours in nature on his voyage on the HMS Beagle. Publisher: The Natural History Museum, ISBN-13 9780565094454
Nick Neddo, The Organic Artist: Make Your Own Paint, Paper, Pens, Pigments, Prints and more from Natur.Publisher: Quarry Books, 2015
Samual C. Rizzetta, Plant-Derived Pigments and Dyes Used By Artists (1965). Master's Theses. 4867. Publisher and available online at: scholarworks
Daniel V. Thompson, The Materials and Techniques of Medieval Painting. Publisher: Dover Art Instruction, 2003
Cennio D’Andres, Craftsman’s Handbook. Publisher: Dover Art Instruction, 1954
Sandy Webster, Earthen Pigments: Hand-Gathering & Using Natural Colors in Art. Publisher: Schiffer Publishing Ltd (US), 2013
Lynn Edwards, Julia Lawless, Natural Paint Book: The Complete Guide to Natural Paints, Recipes and Finishes. Published by Kyle Cathie, 2002, ISBN 10: 1856264327, ISBN 13: 978185626432
Melo, M.J., Castro, R., Nabais, P. et al. The book on how to make all the colour paints for illuminating books: unravelling a Portuguese Hebrew illuminators’ manual. Herit Sci 6, 44 (2018). Publisher and available online at: Springer Open
Peter Stebbing (Hg.), The Art of Colour and the Human Form. Seven Motif Sketches of Rudolf Steiner, Studies by Gerard Wagner. Publisher: Dornach: Ita Wegman Institut; 2017
Martin Bernstein, An Introduction to Music. Publisher: Prentice Hall 1937, 1951, available at lyra association.org: lyrists@gmail.com
Michael Preston, Music from Around the World for Three-Part Recorder Ensembles. Publisher: Floris Books, 2018
Alexander Lauterwasser, Water Sound Images: The Creative Music of the Universe. Publisher: Floris Books, 2007
Armin Husemann, The Harmony of the Human Body: Musical Principles on Human Physiology. Publisher: Floris Books, 1994
Jenny Holzer ‘Installation for Bilbao’ (Guggenheim Museum Bilbao,1997) a response to the enormous scale of loss surrounding the AIDS epidemic. Her work consist of words from the street brought into the museum on universal themes of intimacy, death, grief and loss to inspire the fight for human rights, gender equality, conflict, war, and social justice to open a space for debate.