Access and Advice
Tobias School of Art and Therapy:
Tel: +(0) 1342 313655
Email: info@tobias.org
Rudolf Steiner House, library:
Tel: +(0) 20 7224 8398
Email: rsh-library@anth.org
GA refers to the German original term ‘Gesamtausgabe’, whereas CW to the English term ‘Complete Work’ as assigned to Rudolf Steiner’s complete work, more than 330 volumes held by the Rudolf Steiner Archive in Dornach, Switzerland.
Online access to Rudolf Steiner literature:
For Therapeutic Music, Singing and Speech:
International Coordination of Anthroposophic Art Therapies, ICAAT
Email: laura.piffaretti@medsektion-ikam.org
'I'm a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethro'
Gleams that untravell'd world, whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move.'
(Tennyson, Ulysses, 1842, image Sebastian Bieniek,
Titeled „Face 80x60 No. 6“)
We are aware that this selection of literature is neither an exclusive nor a purely anthroposophic compilation. The purpose is to offer insights into different art therapy schools and approaches as well as into holistic, integral and spiritual perspectives. The listed publications are reading lists and recommendations by international anthroposophic art therapy schools and tutors, AATA members and anthroposophic conferences. For further recommendations of literature please contact: info@aata-uk