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Rudolf Steiner

Anthro Foundations

Rudolf Steiner

Anthroposophic Foundations



Rudolf Steiner, The Philosophy of Freedom, (GA4). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2011, written in 1894


Rudolf Steiner, Knowledge of Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation (GA10), first published in 1904 Publisher: Steiner Books, 1994


Rudolf Steiner, The Riddle of Humanity, 15 lectures, Dornach, 29 July 29 to 3. September 1916 (GA170). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, ISBN: 9781855841055 

Rudolf Steiner, The Study of Man: General Education Course, 14 lectures given in Stuttgart between 21 August – 5 September 1919 (GA293) First English Edition 1947. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2004, also published as: The Foundation of Human Experience. Publisher: Anthroposophic Press,1996


Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy (A Fragment) (GA45). Publisher: Steiner Books, 1996


Rudolf Steiner, Occult Science: An Outline (GA13). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2005


Rudolf Steiner, Universal Spirituality and Human Physicality: Bridging the Divide, 16 lectures, various cities, Nov.-Dec. 1920 (CW 202). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2014, ISBN 13 9781855843981


Rudolf Steiner, The Life, Nature, and Cultivation of Anthroposophy (GA26). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1976


Rudolf Steiner, Thinking and Willing as Two Poles of the Human Soul-Life, lecture given in Dornach at 15 July 1921 (GA205)

Rudolf Steiner

Nature, Evolution



Rudolf Steiner, Man as a symphony of the Creative World (GA230). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1970

Rudolf Steiner, The Human’s Connection with the Elemental World: Olaf Oesteson and the Awakening of the Earth Spirit, lecture held in Berlin 1913 (GA15)

Rudolf Steiner, The Evolution of Consciousness: as revealed through Initiation-Knowledge, 13 lectures given 19 – 31 August 1923 at Penmaenmawr, Wales  (GA 227). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1966 


Rudolf Steiner, Inner Realities of Evolution, 5 lectures held in 1911 (GA132)


Rudolf Steiner, Cosmology, Volume I, 11 lectures given in Dornach, 23 September – 16 October 1921 (GA 207)


Rudolf Steiner, Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies – Volume II, 16 lectures given at Dornach, Switzerland, between 6th April and 29th June 1924 (GA 236)


Rudolf Steiner, Spiritual Beings and the Heavenly Bodies and the Kingdoms of Nature, a series of 10 lectures held in Helsinki 3 -14 April 1912 (GW 136). Publisher: Steiner Books, 2012


Rudolf Steiner, Genesis: Secrets of the Bible Story of Creation, 10 lectures 17 -26 August 1910 (GA122)


Rudolf Steiner, Earthly Knowledge and Heavenly Wisdom, 9 lectures given in Dornach in 1923 (GW221). Publisher: Steiner Books, 1990


Rudolf Steiner, The Bridge Between Universal Spirituality and the Physical Constitution of Man: Freedom and Love: Their Significance in World Evolution, 3 lectures given in Dornach/Switzerland 17 – 19 December 1920 (GA202)

RS LIT Nature

Art is a mediator of the unspeakable.

(J. W. v Goethe, image; curtesy of Anna Hubbard, Blessing)

Rudolf Steiner




Rudolf Steiner, The being of the Arts (GA271). Publisher: Pied Piper Press, 2018


Rudolf Steiner, The Arts and Their Missions, 8 lectures held in Dornach in 1923 (GA276). Publisher: Steiner Books Inc., 1964


Rudolf Steiner, Art As Seen In The Light Of Mystery Wisdom, 8 lectures given in Dornach between 28 December 1914 And 4 January 1915 (GA275). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2013


Rudolf Steiner, Art: An Introductory Reader (Pocket Library of Spiritual Wisdom). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2003


Rudolf Steiner, A Modern Art of Education, 14 lectures given in Ilkley, Yorkshire, 5th-17th August, 1923 (GA307). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2001


Rudolf Steiner, Art History as a reflection of Inner Spiritual Impulses, (GA 292) (Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner), 13 slide presentations, Dornach, Oct. 8, 1916 – Oct. 29, 1917. Publisher: Steiner Books Inc. 2016


Rudolf Steiner, Artistic Sensitivity as a Spiritual Approach to Knowing Life and the World (translation from German of Wege der geistigen Erkenntnis und der Erneureung künstlerischer Weltanschauung) (GA161), 13 lectures in Dornach, January 9 – May 2, 1915. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2018


Rudolf Steiner, Edited by Michael Howard, Art as Spiritual Activity, Lectures. Publisher: Steiner Books Inc., 1997


Rudolf Steiner, Artistic Sensitivity As A Spiritual Approach to Knowing Life And The World (GA161). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2018

RS LIT Music

Rudolf Steiner



Rudolf Steiner, Inner Nature of Music and The Experience of Tone, 7 lectures in various cities, December 3, 1906 - March 16, 1923 (GA 283), Publisher: Anthroposophic Press, 1983, ISBN 978-0-88010-074-8ISBN 978-0-88010-074-8


Rudolf Steiner, Music, Mystery and the Art of the Human Being, Edited by Michael Kurtz. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2016, ISNB 978 1855 8452 68

RS LIT Speech

Rudolf Steiner

Speech, Drama



Rudolf Steiner, Marie Steiner -von Sivers, N. Hummel, Creative Speech: The Formative Process of the Spoken Word, A selection of lectures given in 1920 and 1923 (GA280). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2014


Rudolf Steiner, Speech and Drama Course (GA282) Lectures given in Dornach, Switzerland in 1924. Publisher: Steiner Books Inc, 2007


Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sivers, Poetry and the Art of Speech (GA281) a Lecture Cycle held in Dornach 1920


Rudolf Steiner, The Alphabet: An Expression of the Mystery of Man, A Single lecture by Rudolf Steiner given in Dornach on December 18th 1921. Publisher: Wynstones Press

RS LIT Architecture

Rudolf Steiner




Rudolf Steiner, Architecture as a Synthesis of the Arts, 8 lectures given in Berlin between 12 December 1911 and 26 January 1924 and two newspaper articles (GA286). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1999


Rudolf Steiner, Towards a New Theory of Architecture: The First Goetheanum in Pictures, (GA 290) (Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner), Publisher: Steiner Books Inc.2017


Rudolf Steiner, Architecture as Peacework: The First Goetheanum, Dornach 1914 (GA 287) (Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner). Publisher: Steiner Books, 2017


Rudolf Steiner, Architecture an Introductory Reader. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1999

RS LIT Colour

Rudolf Steiner

Colour, Painting



Rudolf Steiner, Colour, 12 lectures held in Dornach 1914, 1921 and 1924 (GA291a). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press 


Rudolf Steiner, First Scientific Lecture Course: The Light Course, 10 lectures given in Dornach between 23 December – 3 January 1920 (GA320)

RS LIT AnthroMed

Rudolf Steiner

Anthroposophic Medicine, Healthcare



Rudolf Steiner, Healthcare as a Social Issue, Lecture given in Dornach on 7th April 1920 (GA314). Publisher: Wynstones Press


Rudolf Steiner and Ita Wegman, Extending Practical Medicine, Fundamental Principals based on the Science of the Spirit, (GA27). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1997


Rudolf Steiner, Course For Young Doctors, 8 lectures held at Dornach between 2 - 9 January 1924 and the “Bridge Lectures” – Three Lectures between 17 -19 December 1920, GA316. Publisher: Mercury Press, 1980


Rudolf Steiner, Introducing Anthroposophical Medicine, 20 lectures Held in Dornach, Switzerland March 21-April 1920, (GA312), Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2010


Rudolf Steiner, The Healing Process, Spirit, Nature and our Bodies, 11 lectures held in various cities August 28, 1923 – August 29, 1924 (GA319), The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press 2000


Rudolf Steiner, Health and Illness Volume I and Volume II, 9 lectures held in Dornach in 1922 (CW 348). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 


Rudolf Steiner, What can the Art of Healing learn through Spiritual Science? 3 lectures given in Arnheim, 17, 21 and 24 July 1924 (GA 319). Publisher: Wynstones Press


Rudolf Steiner, Broken Vessels, The Spiritual Structure of Human Frailty, Foundation of Anthroposophic Medicine Volume 7 (GA318). Publisher: Steiner Books, 2003


Rudolf Steiner, Spiritual Relations in the Human Organism, 3 lectures by Rudolf Steiner given in Dornach between 20th and 23rd October 1922, (GA218). Publisher: Wynstones Press

Rudolf Steiner, The Human Heart, A lecture by Rudolf Steiner given in Dornach, Switzerland, on 26th May 1922 (GA212). Publisher: Wynstones Press


Rudolf Steiner, Good Health, contains the following lectures: Forgetting, 2 November 1908, Seminar Discussion on the Temperaments in August 1912, Self-Education 14 March 1912 (GA95). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2017


Rudolf Steiner, Edited by Andreas Neider, Memory, Selections, various (GA’s). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2020, ISBN 9781855845749


Rudolf Steiner, Pastoral Medicine: The Collegial working of Doctors and Priests. (GA 318) Publisher: Anthroposophic Press, 1987


Rudolf Steiner, An Occult Physiology, 8 lectures given 20 -28 March 1911 in Prague (GA128). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1997.


Rudolf Steiner, E. de Boer (ed.), The Night as a Wellspring of Strength: Sleep, Spiritual Encounters and the Starry Firmament. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2018

RS LIT Therapy

A healthy social life is found only when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living. (Rudolf Steiner)

Rudolf Steiner




Rudolf Steiner, Illness and Therapy: Spiritual-Scientific Aspects of Healing (GA313). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2013


Rudolf Steiner, The Samaritan Course, lectures given in Dornach, 13 – 16 August 1914. Publisher: Mercury Press


Rudolf Steiner, Psychoanalysis in the light of Anthroposophy, 5 lectures held in 1912, 1917 1nd 1921 (From Ga: 143, 178, 205). Publisher: Anthroposophic Press inc., 1946, out of print available second-hand only


Rudolf Steiner, Edited by Sabine H. Seiler, Freud, Jung and Spiritual Psychology, 5 lectures, Nov. 1917; Feb. 1912; July 1921 (From GA 143, 178, 2015). Publisher: Steiner Books 2001


Rudolf Steiner, Therapeutic Insights: Earthly and Cosmic Laws, 5 lectures given in Dornach, June and July 1921 (GA 205). Publisher: Wynstones Press


Rudolf Steiner, The Invisible Man Within us: The Pathology underlying Therapy, a single lecture by Rudolf Steiner given on 11th of February 1923 (). Publisher: Wynstones Press


Rudolf Steiner, Fundamentals of Therapy (1925) (GA27). Publisher: Kessinger Publishing 2003


Rudolf Steiner, A Psychology of Body, Soul, and Spirit, lectures by Rudolf Steiner (GA115). Publisher: Steiner Books 2007


Rudolf Steiner, edited by Harold I. Haas, Care for the Soul: Between Body and Spirit – Psychotherapy Founded on Anthroposophy. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2019


Rudolf Steiner, Edited by P. King, Self-Doubt: Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Panic and Fear, Threshold Experiences, crisis of the soul and healing on the anthroposophical path. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press 2018

RS LIT Education

Rudolf Steiner




Rudolf Steiner, Education for Special Needs: The Curative Education Course (GA317). Rudolf Steiner Press, 2014


Rudolf Steiner, Balance in Teaching, 4 lectures given in Stuttgart 15, 16, 21, and 22, September 1920 (GA 302). Publisher: Mercury Press


Rudolf Steiner, The Renewal of Education, lectures delivered at Basel 20 April – 16 May 1920 (GA301). Publisher: Steiner Schools Fellowship, 1989


Rudolf Steiner, The Education of the Child in the Light of Anthroposophy, First edition 1922 (GA34). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press 1981


Rudolf Steiner, Soul Economy: Body, Mind, and Spirit in Waldorf Education, lectures held in Dornach on 23 December 1921 - 5 January 1922 (GA305). Publisher: Anthroposophic Press, 2003


Rudolf Steiner, A Modern Art of Education, 14 lectures given in Ilkey, Yorkshire, 5-7 August 1923 (GA307). Publisher: Steiner Books, 2001


Rudolf Steiner, The Essentials of Education, 5 lectures given in Stuttgart between 8-11 April 1924 (GA300 a, b, c). Publisher: Steiner Books, 1997


Rudolf Steiner, The Roots of Education, 5 lectures given in Bern between 13-17 April 1924 (GA309). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Books


Rudolf Steiner

Self-Development and Spiritual Development, Biography



Rudolf Steiner, selected and compiled by Stefan Leber, Selected Lectures, Self-Transformation, Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press 1995


Rudolf Steiner, selected and compiled by Andreas Neider, Mindfulness and Reverence: Steps in Perception,Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press 2017


Rudolf Steiner, Andreas Neider (Editor), The Imaginative Life Tableau, The spiritually-perceived story of your life between birth and death, Meditative knowledge out of childhood forces (GA322), Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2020, ISBN 9781855845725


Rudolf Steiner, Toward Imagination, Culture and The Individual, 7 lectures given in Berlin between 6 June – 7 July 1918 (GA 169), Publisher; Rudolf Steiner Press, 2017, ISBN 9780880102841


Rudolf Steiner, True and False Paths of Spiritual Research, 11 lectures, 11-22 August 1924 (GA 243). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2020, ISBN 9781855845763


Rudolf Steiner, How to Cure Nervousness (also translated as Overcoming Nervousness in rs archive. Org), lecture held in Munich on 11 January 1912 (GA 143). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Pres, 2008, ISBN: 978 85584 208 3


Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy in Everyday-Life: Practical Training in Thought – Overcoming Nervousness – Facing Karma – The Four Temperaments. (From GA 143, 130, 57) Publisher: Steiner Books 2004


Rudolf Steiner, H. Haas (ed), Good Health: Self-education and the Secret of Well-Being. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2017


Rudolf Steiner, Six Steps in Self-Development - The Supplementary Exercises,

selected and compiled by Ates Baydur. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2010


Rudolf Steiner, Strengthening the Will - The Review Exercises,

selected and compiled by Martina Maria Sam. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2010


Rudolf Steiner, Biography: Freedom and Destiny, Enlightening the Path of Human Life. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2013


Rudolf Steiner, The Mission of Michael, 11 lectures given in Dornach 1919 (GA194)


Rudolf Steiner, True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation, 11 lectures given in Torquay 11 – 22 August 1924 (GA243)

RS LIT Meditation

Rudolf Steiner

Meditation, Verses



Rudolf Steiner, On Meditation, spiritual perspectives, (GA13). Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2010


Rudolf Steiner, edited by Christopher Bamford, Start Now: A Book of Soul and Spiritual Exercises, Publisher: Steiner Books, 2004


Rudolf Steiner, Calendar of the Soul: The Year Participated, Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 3 Apr 2013


Rudolf Steiner, Truth-Wrought Words (GA40). Publisher: Steiner Books, 2010


Rudolf Steiner, Verses and Meditations. Publisher, Rudolf Steiner Press, 2013


Rudolf Steiner, Meditations on Heart-Activity given by Rudolf Steiner, Publisher: Medical Section at the Goetheanum, CH-4143 Dornach, Email:


Rudolf Steiner, Meditations for Times of Day and Seasons of the Year, Breathing the Spirit, Selected verses from GA’s 40, 267 $ 268, Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2018, ISBN 9781855845534


Rudolf Steiner, Meditations for Courage and Tranquillity, The Heart of Peace, Selected verses from GA’s 40, 267 & 268, Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2018, ISBN 9781855845534


Rudolf Steiner, M. Barton (ed), Meditations for harmony and healing: Finding the greater Self. Publisher, Rudolf Steiner Press, 2018


Rudolf Steiner, Glöckler Michaela (ed.) Meditations on heart-activity given by Rudolf Steiner. Publisher: Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, 2014


Rudolf Steiner, Matthias Girke (ed.), Mediations on Warmth given by Rudolf Steiner. Publisher: Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, 2017


Rudolf Steiner, M. Barton (ed), Meditations for the dead: Connecting to those who have died. Publisher, Rudolf Steiner Press, 2018


Rudolf Steiner

Fear, End of Life, Death



Rudolf Steiner, On Fear: Spiritual Perspectives. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2011, ISBN: 1855842637, 9781855842632


Rudolf Steiner, Life Beyond Death, Selected Lectures, Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1995


Rudolf Steiner, The Forming of Destiny and Life after Death, course of 6 lectures given in Berlin 16 November -21 December 1915 (GA157)


Rudolf Steiner, Life between Death and Rebirth, 16 lectures, various cities, Oct. 26, 1912 - May 13, 1913 (CW 140). Publisher: Steiner Books, 1975


Rudolf Steiner, Spiritual Life now and after Death, 6 lectures, Berlin, November 16–December 12, 1915 (CW 157a). Publisher: Steiner Books, 2013


Rudolf Steiner, Death as Metamorphosis of Life, 7 Lectures, various cities, Nov. 29, 1917–Oct. 16, 1918 (CW 182). Publisher: Steiner Books 2008


Rudolf Steiner, The Sun Mystery and the Mystery of Death and Resurrection, 12 lectures in various cities, March 21 – July 11, 1922 (CW 211). Publisher: Steiner Books, 2006


Rudolf Steiner, Staying Connected: How to Continue Your Relationship with Those Who Have Died, selected Talks and Meditations. 1905-1924. Publisher: Steiner Books Inc., 2000


Intuition is for thinking what observation is for perception. Intuition and observation are sources of knowledge. (Rudolf Steiner)

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