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Anthroposophy and Therapy


ArtSpace, this annual journal is the platform for the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts (AATA), practitioners to share and showcase their diverse therapeutic experiences and insights in a formal publication. Publisher: Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts UK (AATA) 

Anthro Education

Anthroposophy, Education and Research


ROSE, Research on Steiner Education, is an international on-line, bi-annual, peer-reviewed, bilingual academic journal with the purpose of serving the theoretical and practical development of Steiner Waldorf education in ways that are relevant to our contemporary globalising world: to establish links between Steiner, alternative and mainstream education. Published articles are based on empirical, theoretical and philosophical research. It is published and founded by a cooperation (co-hosting) between two institutions: The English section is established at the Rudolf Steiner University College, Oslo, Norway and the German part is located at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, Alfter and the Pedagogical Research Institute of the German Waldorf School Association.  Available online at: rosejourn


The Field Centre Journal of Research and Practice offers publications of action research, research carried out at the Field Centre, on any topic within Goethean Science paradigm, on Rudolf Steiner’s life, work and legacy. First Issue 2014. Editor: Dr Laurence Cox:

Holistic Science Journal, is an interdisciplinary journal that aims to “bridge the traditional division between the sciences and humanities and seeks to overcome other dualisms, such as object-subject and mind-body dualism” to publish historic and systemic articles that are based on a holistic approach. First issue 2010. Editorial team: Philip Franses and Troy Vine:

LILIPOH, The Spirit in Life, independently owned magazine about holistic health, covering Anthroposophy, Waldorf Education, Publisher: Lilipoh Publishing Inc., Sales: Stephanie Fawcett

Steiner Studies is a bilingual English/German online, peer-reviewed academic journal. It’s aim is to disseminate original scientific research of Rudolf Steiner’s work and the natural science and humanities as well as related trends in the fields of philosophy, art, spirituality and religion. Registration and access are free of charge.

Anthro Culture

Anthroposophy, Culture


New View, A quarterly magazine since 1996, that brings together articles on many aspects of modern life, informed and inspired by anthroposophy. Regular items include: World events, Community, Health, Education, Self-development, Arts, Science, Environment, Biodynamic-Agriculture, Book and Film Reviews etc. Publisher:  Tom Raines, New View Publications Limited, 198/15 Lindsay Road, Edinburgh EH6 6ND Scotland, phone: +44 (0)20 7317 8302

being human,  journal of the Anthroposophical Society in America to further the social, cultural, educational, and anthroposophic personal development initiatives, contact: Ann Arbor, Michigan, US. Online at: Anthroposophical Society in America

Art Therapy

International Journal of Art Therapy (formerly Inscape). It is the official journal of the British association of Art Therapists (BAAT) it is peer-reviewed and aims to advance the profession, its practice, the use and understanding of diverse ethical and innovative interventions including qualitative and quantitative research theories and practices and to develop education and knowledge in the field of art therapy. Publisher: Routledge


The Arts in Psychotherapy is a peer-reviewed, international journal to publish evidence-based research intersecting the field of mental health and all creative therapies as well as psychology, neuroscience psychiatry and psychotherapy, that aims to ‘engage high level theoretical concepts with the rigor of professional practice’. Publisher: Elsevier


Art Therapy Online (ATOL) is an online, open access, international, peer-reviewed, index-linked journal to address practice as well as theory and research to ‘art therapy as it is known and understood around the world’, founded by independent art therapists in 2009 to build international alliances and exchange in the field. The journal is hosted by the Library at Goldsmiths, University of London.

Art Therapy: Journal for the American Art Therapy Association (AATA, not to be mistaken by AATA UK) publishes international peer-reviewed empirical research. It is an international pioneering forum for leading scholarly research publications in Art Therapy and Art & Health, present a broad spectrum of ideas in theory and practice, ways in which art contribute to health, wellbeing, social inclusion and health care and multi and interdisciplinary discussions. Publisher: American Art Therapy Association

Art Therapy

Science does not know its dept to imagination. (Ralph Waldo Emerson, image John Playfoot)

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