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Research, Assessments


Research Methodologies



P. Heusser, Anthroposophy and science. An introduction. Publisher: Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2016


Gary Ansdell and Mercedes Pavlicevic, Beginning Research in the Art Therapies: A Practical Guide, Publisher:Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2001


Judith Bell, Doing Your Research Project: Open up Study Skills (5th Edition). Publisher: Open University Press, 2010


William Braud and Rosemarie Anderson. Transpersonal Research Methods for the Social Sciences: Honoring Human Experience (Progress in Neural Processing;7). Publisher: Sage Publications, London, 1989


Kim Etherington, Becoming a Reflexive Researcher: Using Our Selves in Research. Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004


Steinar Kvale, Interview: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Publisher: Sage Publications, London, 1996


Shaun McNiff, Art-Based Research, Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publisher, 1998


Shaun McNiff, Art as Research: Opportunities and Challenges. Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publisher, 1998


Clark Moustakas, Heuristic Research: Design, Methodology and Application. Publisher: Sage Publications, London, 1990, ISBN 


Robert D. Romanyshyn, The Wounded Researcher: Research With Soul in Mind. Publisher: New Orleans: Spring Journal Books, 2013


H. Bortoft, Goethe’s Scientific Consciousness. Publisher: Institute for Cultural Research, Tunbridge Wells, 1986, 090467410X (ISBN13: 9780904674101)


Arthur Zajonc and D. Seamon, Goethe’s Way of Science; A Phenomenology of Nature, Publisher: State University of New York Press, 1998


Andrea Gilroy, Art Therapy, Research and Evidence-based Practice. Publisher: Sage Publications, London, 2006


Andrea Gilroy, Art Therapy Research in Practice. Publisher: Verlag Peter Lang, 2011, ISBN 13 ISBN13:9783039119943


D. Lorimer (Editor), Thinking Beyond the Brain: A Wider Science of Consciousness. Publisher: Floris Books, Edinburgh, 1998


Colin Robinson, Real World Research, Publisher: Blackwell Publishing

Assessment Metho

The realms of life are many. For each one, special sciences develop. But life itself is a unity, and the more deeply the sciences try to penetrate into their separate realms, the more they withdraw themselves from the vision of the world as a living unity.

(Rudolf Steiner, image Elisabeth Körber)


Assessment Methodologies


Georg Soldner and HM Stellmann, Individual Paediatrics: Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Aspects of Diagnosis and Counselling. Publisher: Wissenschaftliche  Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart, 2014


Donna J. Betts, A Systematic Analysis of Art Therapy Assessment and Rating Instrument Literature, Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations, 2005, Florida State University. Available online at: FSU Digital Library,, Contact: 


Andrea Gilroy, Robin Tipple and Christopher Brown, Assessment in Art Therapy. Publisher: Routledge, 2012, available online at: Florida State University Library


Tony Wigram PhD, Assessment and Evaluation in the Arts Therapies: Art Therapy, Music Therapy and Drama Therapy. Publisher: Harper House Publications, ISBN 0-9539106-0-1


Michaela Strauss, Understanding Children’s Drawings, Tracing the Path of Incarnation. Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2007


Howard Gardner, Artful Scribbles: The significance of children’s drawings. Publisher: Jill Normann, 1980, ISBN 0-906908-27-2 and 0-906908-28-0 Pbk


Cynthia Murphy-Lang, Developing the Observing Eye: Teacher Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education, Publisher: Floris Books, 2010


David Aldridge (Editor), Case Study Designs in Music Therapy. Publisher: Jessica Kingsley, 2005


Discard your memory; discard the future tense of your desire; forget both, both what you knew and what you want, to leave space for a new idea. A thought, an idea unclaimed, maybe floating around the room searching for a home. Amongst these maybe one of your own which seems to turn up from your insides, or one from outside yourself, namely from the patient.

(W. R. Bion)

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